The Tummy Tuck Procedure is a Major Abdominal Surgery...
...which directly affects the muscles and tissues of the abdomen. Just like there is a process for rehabilitating your shoulder after a shoulder surgery or your knee after a knee surgery, there is a process for rehabilitating your core after an abdominoplasty and returning to back to your fitness routine. Most people who have the surgery will say that their body doesn’t feel like their own after surgery which makes it hard to simply “Listen to your body” or “Let your body guide you” when returning to exercise and when you're finally given the green light to exercise the core again, it’s hard to know where to start!
The lack of guidance plus the fear of doing harm can make the whole process feel exhausting and isolating.

Learn how to reconnect with your core and build abdominal strength confidently after undergoing a tummy tuck.

What's Inside...
Tummy Tuck Core Rehab is a step-by-step program that helps you to rebuild trust, confidence, and strength in your core post-surgery. This signature program is divided into 4 Phases: Reconnecting to Your Core, Rebuilding Foundation, Rebuilding Strength, and Advancing Strength. Check out what's inside the program:

What is Tummy Tuck Core Rehab?
The Tummy Tuck Core Rehab program is a 4-Phase system that is designed to take the worry and stress out of the recovery process so you can feel safe and supported as you gain strength back in your core.
This is not just a program that gives you the building blocks and leaves you there figuring out how to move on to the next level.
After learning how to reconnect to and strengthen your deep core muscles, the Tummy Tuck Core Rehab program progresses you on to more challenging exercises that target both the deep and outer core muscle so you can comprehensively restore the strength and function of your whole core, not just part of it!
By the end of the program, you will have the confidence to venture out into other exercise genres such as Pilates and Yoga, as well as high-level core exercises seen in bootcamps, high-intensity interval training classes, CrossFit and more!
Helping You Get Re-Rooted in Your Core
Reconnecting to your body and core can be overwhelming when you feel like a stranger in your own body. Having a program that you can lean on that takes you through the core rebuilding process can help you feel supported not only physically, but mentally as well.

Designed by a Physiotherapist AND Fitness Professional
With input from both professionals, the program seamlessly bridges the gap between what is needed in the early stages of recovery AND how to get back to high level core fitness!

Created by Someone who has Gone Through the Whole Tummy Tuck Process
This has led to the creation of an extremely well thought out program that understands what you need in your recovery, at a deeper level.

Comprehensive Exercise Program from 5 Weeks to 6 Months Post-Op
No need to figure out where to start, how much to do, when to progress, and when to scale back. Feel supported in your recovery from beginning to end.

Completely Online
With 24/7 access, you're not restricted to doing the exercises at a specific time. With everything being online, you can conveniently fit the program into your schedule, leaving you with flexibility so you can stay consistent throughout!
Take a Look Inside!
The Tummy Tuck Core Rehab program supports you from the time you're medically cleared to exercise all the way until you have built up your core strength again!

Stacey S.
"I was so emotionally lost and confused with my core. I just assumed the core would magically work after the surgery. To my surprise, It didn’t. It turns out, I needed guidance and instruction. I needed the step by step of the Tummy Tuck Core Rehab program. Despite having knowledge about rebuilding the core from my post-natal time, this time was different. I had more fear of ruining the stitches, doing something wrong to undo what was repaired. The Tummy Tuck Core Rehab program helped me so much. The program refocused me, helped me stay on track, reassured me so that I felt confident with the exercises and helped me move on mentally from being a post-op patient, to a recovered patient."

Rebecca J.
"I felt immense relief when I discovered the Tummy Tuck Core Rehab program. It was like the light at the end of a tunnel. The road to surgery was long, and while I was prepared for and okay with a lengthy recovery, I was pretty burned out paving my own way researching surgeons and how to prepare for the surgery. I was so happy to put my trust in Lisa and Munira – a wonderfully qualified duo – to take me across the finish line of this long journey. Their program gave me hope and confidence. Now being on the other side of the program, I can say that it is so incredibly freeing to not have to think about how I move. I had spent years tailoring my movements so as not to worsen my DR, and now I don’t give it a second thought!"
Understand your body as you begin exercising your core again
Feel connected with your core after surgery
Understand what to look out for when resuming abdominal exercises
Feel confident with your movements and exercises post-op rather than fearful
Understand when to progress and when to slow down
Feel guided and supported through the core and muscle strengthening process rather than lost and isolated
Phase 1: Reconnecting to Your Core
After the surgery, your core and your body have changed. You’re dealing with a core that feels completely new and dealing with a lot of new sensations. It's hard to make sense of all of the things you’re feeling as it takes time for your brain to catch up. This mind-body mismatch can be very confusing and overwhelming to deal with, especially when accompanied by different types of pain, swelling, tightness, pulling. So in this phase, you’ll have a chance to reconnect with this new part of you. The exercises are really gentle and more focused on reconnecting to your breath, pelvic floor, and deep abdominals so that you are able to redevelop a sense of wholeness, integration and familiarity with your newly operated core.

Phase 2: Rebuilding Foundation
In this phase, you will have the chance to reinforce the mind-body connection that you started to develop in the previous phase inside of exercises that require a bit more coordination. It's in this phase where you'll start to feel a bit more at ease with using your core since you will start to see how your body and core respond to movement and gentle exercise. This phase not only helps to build a physical foundation but also a mental foundation. In essence, it’s prepping your mind, body, and your core so you are ready to make more strength gains in the weeks that follow!

Phase 3: Rebuilding Strength
In Phase 3, you will be doing exercises that start to resemble the types of exercises you might see in a gym or fitness setting. You’ll start with modified versions of many of these exercises and over the course of 8 weeks, you’ll progress to more and more difficult versions. This is an exciting phase because its here that you’ll start to feel more confident in what you can do with your core, more comfortable in doing more. You'll start seeing and feeling strength in your abdominals and you’ll start feeling less restricted. You'll start to see the light at the end of the tunnel as you begin to realize that whatever you may have been doing before surgery is actually possible for you to get back to again!

Phase 4: Advancing Strength
As the name implies, the exercises in this phase are aimed to go way beyond some of the more gentle versions in the phases prior and really prepare your mind and body for high level core exercises that you will find out there in the fitness world. By the end of this phase, you will not only feel reconnected to your core after the surgery because of all the work you've done prior to getting here, you will feel like you have wings to fly and participate in any form of exercise you like, knowing that you’ve trained your core for it.

Core Lengthening & Range of Motion Exercises
The process of reconnecting and rebuilding strength in your core after a tummy tuck is only half of the picture! The other half is about restoring movement and range of motion to the upper body, torso, hips, pelvis, back and lower body so that you feel comfortable in moving freely again. After the surgery, feelings of tightness and restricted movement are extremely common and can add to the discomfort you already feel in recovery. So by following the core lengthening exercises in this program, you won't feel restricted or limited by fear any more. You can get back to your normal life with a sense of freedom and flexibility!

Regular Check-In Videos
Doing a core rebuilding program after a major surgery like this can be a wild ride. The mental worry about making sure your belly is okay, the odd sensations and pains, along with feeling like a stranger in your own body can be very overwhelming. Things seem to change day by day and this can be distressing. For this reason, you'll have a lot of check- in videos throughout the entire program to help you along and talk you through some of the struggles you may be experiencing.

2 Tummy Tuck Core Rehab Program Guides
The Tummy Tuck Core Rehab program comes with two separate PDF guidebooks, one for the Core Rebuilding exercises and one for the Core Lengthening exercises. Each guide outlines every exercise done in the program and includes visual images and detailed descriptions for all of them! This way you can easily review details of the exercises without having to scroll through a video to find it. It also allows you to do the exercises at your own pace instead of following the pace of the video. Sometimes this is needed after such a major surgery because it gives you the chance to tune into your body and feel what its doing rather than focusing on what you're seeing on the screen!

Whether you are feeling good about your recovery, struggling in the journey, or somewhere in between, being intentional about your core recovery can bring clarity to the whole process instead of leaving it to the unknown.

Tasha S.
“I was very uncertain about returning to exercise. I wondered if I would have to wait 6 months before doing anything at all – and I assumed I would need to start back with things other than focused core work. Unsurprisingly, my surgeon did not provide much guidance for return to exercise. I was really struggling to understand what I should do. My actual recovery was miraculously very smooth due to the incredible Tummy Tuck Core Rehab program right after my surgery.”

Sarah G.
"The Tummy Tuck Core Rehab program gave me the strength and confidence to participate in my exercise program. It was satisfying to see the progress through each exercise. At my 6 month post op with my surgeon, the surgeon was very impressed with my core and credited the Tummy Tuck Core Rehab program. I am now 8 months post-surgery and think everyone should utilize the program to improve their physical strength post-surgery and to help the individual gain confidence with everyday activities!"
By Joining Now, You'll Also Receive These Special BONUSES:
How to Stand Up Straight: Video Tutorial
After the surgery, one of the most common questions we get asked is, "will I ever be able to stand up straight again?" It can be such a struggle, so we created this video so you can feel supported both mentally and physically during what can be such a vulnerable time. Sitting around waiting and wondering when you'll feel better again can be very discouraging. By following this video tutorial, you can feel like you are making progress and have a bit more control of your healing journey! ($47 value)

Returning to Group Fitness Classes: Video Guide
During tummy tuck recovery, it is very important to be brutally honest with yourself in the earlier stages of your “clearance” to workout. Are you someone that really needs the group class atmosphere to workout? Are you someone that is very competitive and might push yourself too much in the group atmosphere? Are you someplace in between? In this video we will take you through this process to help you set yourself up for a successful return to the fitness you love! ($47 value)

Returning to Weight Lifting: Video Guide
After you've been cleared to workout, you may be excited to get back to weightlifting, but where do you start? In this video, we’ll cover tips and strategies to help you get back to some common weight lifting exercises and movements such as squats, deadlifts, overhead lifts, and upper body exercises. Keep in mind that these are general guidelines to help give you a bit more clarity on how to get back to weight lifting in an intentional and productive manner. Even though everyone is on a slightly different timeline the general principals in this video will help you rebuild a solid foundation, no matter your previous level of fitness. ($87 value)

Returning to Running: PDF Guide
It may be tempting to just start running once you are cleared, especially if you were running beforehand and already doing a lot of walking after surgery; but we suggest doing some intentional progressions first! You have a good start on this because you are working through core rehab, strengthening, and rotational work that will transfer over nicely to running. In this guide, we will go over a series of exercises that you can do in order to help you intentionally progress back to running. ($87 value)

Meet Your Tummy Tuck Support Team

Hi, We're Lisa & Munira, The Tummy Tuck Rehab Team!
Our mission is to change the entire conversation around tummy tucks by educating and empowering women throughout the decision making and recovery process. We are here to provide support and strategies for core rehab and returning to fitness after the surgery.
We know that getting this surgery is not an easy decision for someone to make, and it brings with it, not just physical stress, but mental, emotional and psychological stress as well. However, we envision a world where women no longer feel stigmatized, isolated, and anxious about the tummy tuck recovery process and we are passionate about getting women the support and information they need to have a smoother recovery!
Frequently Asked Questions
Who is this program for?
I’ve never really been an active person and don’t have any particular fitness goals after my tummy tuck, is there any point in me doing this program?
My surgery is booked for 3 months from now. Should I buy the program now?
How soon after my tummy tuck should I start the program?
I’ve had a mommy makeover, so work has been done to my breasts as well. Is this program for me?
I had a tummy tuck last year. Will I still benefit from the program?
What equipment do I need?
I’ve had a mini tummy tuck, should I do your program?
I’ve only had an umbilical hernia repair and not a full tummy tuck. Is this appropriate for me?
I’ve had a hernia repair done with my DRA surgery, is this still okay to do?
I’ve had mesh in my abdominoplasty repair, can I still do the program?
How do I incorporate this program with my return to the gym?
Should I wear a binder or wear compression garments while doing the program?
Is this appropriate for corset tummy tuck or for tummy tuck due to weight loss?
Learning to rely on and trust your core again isn’t just physical, it’s mental. By the end of this program, you will:
Feel control over your body again and won’t feel so afraid or worried to exercise your core
Have a new sense of gratitude for movement and the ability to move in an unrestricted way (we know this might seem impossible for you if you are early in your recovery!)
Have built a solid foundation of strength after feeling so incredibly weak post- surgery
Have a sense of relief that you made it through the recovery process!